The "Dance with Feel" is a non-profit project that exists solely to provide its members with an environment to practice a common interest of DANCE

Helping hands are holier than
praying lips

Dance with Feel ultimate goal to donates dance costumes to kids that have a tough time acquiring it. We also helps students who face financial stress to attend dance competitions. These students receive funds to relieve the burden of travelling bills and other expenses incurred during competitions.

Dance with Feel



So You Want to Start Competing in Ballroom!

So, you’ve started ballroom dancing and have found you LOVE it! You want to show the world what you know and start dancing competitively, and you want to get started right away but don’t quite know


4 Ways that Dancing Helps Build a Relationship

I used to teach a beginner ballroom for a marriage retreat with my husband, and here are a few things that I noticed about his and my relationship during our dancing, and what I noticed as couples took the time


The Top 3 Reasons to Dance Ballroom While Single!

You don’t need to bring a partner to dance class to dance ballroom! It is 100% okay to go by yourself. Below are three additional perks to dancing ballroom while single.  Reason 1: You’ll Ma


How to choose the correct dance shoes

If the Shoes Fit! Dance shoes are VERY different from normal shoes. There have been many times I have seen women wearing regular heels to a ballroom dance class. This makes sense if you are trying the class


Are You Being Judged?!

Have you ever gone into a dance competition and felt you executed every move perfectly? You felt as if you had transcended into the land of perfection, with each move being swift and precise and flowing perfect


Keep in Touch

You have questions? We have answers.